Safety Signs News

Asbestos found at school

14th January 2014 | Warning Signs

A Surrey building contractor has been fined after asbestos was discovered at a girls’ school in Caterham. The firm had been aware of the dangerous substance, but had not done anything to prevent exposure.

Buxton Building Contractors Ltd had commissioned a survey to check the building for asbestos. When this came back positive for the chemical, which can potentially be fatal, the company took no action.

Buxton Building let contractors work in the area. Without so much as a warning sign, the workers were unaware of the danger until a worker broke through a ceiling and discovered asbestos boarding.

The firm pleaded guilty to breaching Section 3(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, and was fined £50,000 along with £26,217 costs.

Melvyn Stancliffe, an inspector for the Health and Safety Executive, said: “This was a serious failing on the part of the company. Having correctly commissioned an asbestos survey, it looks as though no one at Buxton Contractors Ltd bothered to read it.

“Or if they did, they disregarded its contents and failed to act to protect site workers from exposure to what is one of the deadly killers in the construction industry.”ADNFCR-2754-ID-801681855-ADNFCR


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