Safety Signs News

Health and safety gone mad: Lollipop man stripped of his own sign

1st December 2010 | Health and Safety Signs

Posted by Jason Nicholls.

An Essex lollipop man has been told he cannot use his lollipop stick and has been banned from leaving the pavement.

According to the Mirror, Roy Warrick has diligently patrolled a busy junction used by schoolchildren for the past 18 months.

However, after the local authority spent £30,000 on improvement works and traffic cameras, it said it is unsafe for Mr Warrick to stand in the road – over concerns he may not get back to the pavement before the lights change.

This leaves the lollipop man only able to push the crossing button.

Residents are bemused at the news.

Parent Liz Cohen, whose children attend St Mary's Primary School in Shenfield, was quoted by the newspaper as saying: "I don't understand. He walked out into the road for 18 months. Ron is there to make sure traffic isn't blocking the crossing."

Another parent called the situation "bonkers".

Adrian Tidbury, a spokesperson for Brentwood Council, explained that due to the numbers of people crossing the road when the lights are at red, Mr Warrick would still be in the road when they change, putting him in danger.

Lollipop men seem to be something of a target. Recently, a lollipop man in Hull was told he could not use a "thank you" sign to acknowledge rivers who waited at his crossing to allow people to pass.

Thankfully, though, the decision has since been reversed.ADNFCR-2754-ID-800265542-ADNFCR


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