Safety Signs News

Unionist minister agrees to improve Dublin road signage

6th June 2012 | Health and Safety Signs

Posted by Ben Alexander

A unionist minister has agreed to an Irish government request to improve signage for those travelling to Dublin.

Irish Transport Minister Leo Varadkar wrote to regional development minister Danny Kennedy about "confusion" surrounding M1 signage at Blaris, located near Lisburn, reports the Belfast Telegraph.

As a result of the letter, signs at the Sprucefield turn-off are to be increased by one metre.

Despite Mr Varadkar's concerns, there have been no complaints from lost and disgruntled travellers, with Fermanagh MLA Phil Flanagan saying that he was "surprised" that the signs had not caused issues.

"Yet I suppose people on holiday would not know who to complain to — or just put it down to their own fault," he continued.

While politicians have been criticising signs towards Dublin, the Northern Echo has reported that a farm shop and cafe situated near Bernard Castle has just received consent to use a directional sign.

Cross Lane Organic Farm was allowed to install the sign after the Highways Agency rejected proposals for it to be fitted on the A66.ADNFCR-2754-ID-801378790-ADNFCR


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