Safety Signs News
Bogus health and safety claims revealed
25th November 2013 | Health and Safety Signs
Posted by Jason Nicholls
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has released a map showing the locations in the UK where ‘health and safety’ has been falsely used as an excuse to ban certain activities.
Some of the highlights include a department store refusing to serve fried eggs in a full English breakfast in case of a fire and a hotel banning toilet brushes from its rooms.
These were all done in the name of health and safety, despite the fact there are no regulations prohibiting the activities mentioned.
Dr Luise Vassie, executive director of policy for the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health, said: “Real health and safety is about saving lives and making sure people are not injured. It is sensible and proportionate, but far too often used as an excuse to hide behind.”
Most activities that are genuine health and safety risks are accompanied by appropriate safety signs. The chair of the HSE, Judith Hackett, is advising people to “challenge these excuses. If it doesn’t make sense to you then you are probably being fobbed off.”
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