Safety Signs News
Cumbrian farmers given health and safety advice
18th January 2011 | Health and Safety Signs
Posted by Ben Alexander.
Cumbrian farmers are being invited to attend a farm safety event for free advice, that could include health and safety signage, which the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) says could save their lives.
Despite the agriculture industry employing less than 1.5 per cent of the population, HSE figures show that one in four workplace deaths take place in the sector.
In Cumbria, there have been eight deaths and 43 serious injuries to agricultural workers over the past five years.
The event, which will take place at Borderway Auction Market in Carlisle on Thursday January 20th, will include demonstrations on livestock handling, transport, quad bikes, working on roofs, manual handling and working with machinery.
"On average, an agricultural worker is killed or seriously injured in Cumbria every five weeks. But most injuries could be prevented by taking simple steps to improve safety," said Peter Hamer, HSE agriculture inspector for Cumbria.
"Farming is a key part of Cumbria's economy and it's vital that those that work in the industry stay safe."
Most farmers who attend one of the HSE's safety days make at least one change to improve health and safety, the regulator said.
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