Fire Emergency Signs
Fire Emergency signs are some of the most important signs that you can install in your business.
Signage elements to consider are. Fire Exit Signs over all fire exit doors, Fire Exit direction signs that allow people to exit the building quickly in the event of an Emergency. Fire Action signs tell people the action to take in an emergency situation and Emergency Assembly points. See below for more details of our range.
Fire Emeregency Signs to consider:
Fire Exit signs that are placed over designated Fire Exits allow people to quickly and easily see an escape route in an emergency situation.
Fire Exit Directional Signs
These signs that include Fire Exit Left and Fire Exit Right provide quick directional information when an exit isn't immediately visible. It is very important that these signs remain consistent and guide people to a designated and correctly operating Exit.
Fire Exit Keep Clear signs
These signs are very important to warn staff and people who have access to the outside of a building to keep an exit clear. Good directional signage is of no use if a fire door has been locked shut or obstructed.
Fire Door Keep Shut
These signs perform the opposite function of Fire Exit Keep Clear, by keeping fire doors shut in the event of a fire emergency these signs stop the fire from spreading and can help avert disaster.
Fire Alarm points
These signs are designed to make it easier for people to notify others in the event of an emergency. The most common type of sign is the the fire alarm point sign, but it can include a variety of different information types. Including hose reel signs.
Disabled refuge signs
Disabled refuge signs are sometimes necessary when it isn't possible to to evacuate a wheel chair user.
Unusual Fire Signs
Emergency plans and building specifics can mean that unusual signs are required. These can include signs like Fire phones.
We provide the full range of Fire Emergency Signs and can also provide custom / bespoke safety signs and fire evacuation solutions.
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