health and safety law poster Sign

Product code: HS1501-A3-POSTER

health and safety law poster

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£12.83 each (inc VAT) £10.69 each (ex VAT)

New HSE health & safety law, encapsulated paper poster. Employers have a legal duty under the health and safety information for employees regulations to display the poster in a prominent position in each workplace or provide each worker with a copy of the equivalent leaflet outlining british health and safety laws.

HSE Law Poster
This is the only health and safety sign you must legally display if you are a business.

What are my obligations ?
If you are a business with employees you have to display an up to date Health and Safety Law poster or provide each employee with an HSE leaflet.

What does the Health And Safety Executive Legal Poster show?
The HSE Law poster has three major sections”
    1.    What employers must do for you
    2.    What you must do
    3.    If there’s a problem

There is a also a section where you can enter details of your Health and Safety Representatives and other contacts.  This isn’t mandatory, so you only need to fill this in if you think it would be helpful for your staff.

Why is it required?
It is required by the Health and Safety Information For Employees Regulations (HSIER)

“The regulations address information asymmetries regarding risks in the workplace and employers' duties in managing those risks, and attempt to address the market failures that may consequently arise by reminding both parties of their responsibilities.”

So by making sure employees and employers are aware of their obligations and rights the poster helps to keep everyone safer.

Are there any alternatives to the legal Health and Safety Posters?
Yes you can provide all of your employees with the official HSE leaflet instead. 

Is this the new poster?
Yes this is the new style poster that is legal now.

Is this an official HSE poster?
Yes this poster is the official HSE poster and includes the unique hologram.

I have an old style poster  - do I need to replace it?
Yes. Legislation means that since April 2014 the old poster has no longer been legal.

See other options

Sign Text: Health and Safety poster - required by law 
Product Type: Safety Poster 
Dimensions: 297x420mm 
Material: Encapsulated Paper 
Orientation: Portrait 
Recommended Fixings: Self Adhesive Pads 

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