Infection prevention and control

We've developed this range of safety signage to support businesses; local, regional and national Government, the NHS and everyone else trying to cope with the new risks and measures to reduce the risk of infection from COVID-19 / coronavirus. As the situation and crisis evolves we are continuing to develop new signs to encourage / enforce and educate people based on the latest official recommendations. If you've got a specific risk or signage need which this range doesn't currently cover please get in touch. The development and launch of this will be fast tracked and is often possible the same day.



We stock a wide range of Corona Virus prevention signs. 

We provide standard Catch it, bin it, kill it signs and posters, signage to encourage hand-washing and hand sanitiser usage. 


We also provide signs and posters to encourage specific behaviours, advertising glove  /   face mask  / or tissue stations.


We provide  welsh hand washing signs (golchwch eich dwylo / now wash your hands) signs might be worth considering.


We provide directional signage for isolation pods, quarantine rooms or quarantine areas. 


Finally we are developing a more general range that provides signs that help discourage behaviour that might lead to the virus spreading like signs that ask people not to shake hands, or remind people to wash their hands before they eat. 


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