Volume Discounts on Safety Signs

safety signs prices with volume discounts

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to get the best priced safety signs on larger orders.

We don't mind how many of a particular sign you want, only the total value of the order. This means we can offer automatic discounts for online orders in the following ranges:

Over £25 = free standard shipping (normally £3.95 +VAT)

Between £50 - £250      = 5% discount

Between £250 - £500    = 10% discount

Between £500 - £1000  = 15% discount

Above £1000                 = 20% discount

You don't have to call and ask us - just add products to your basket, and the discount will be applied automatically - how good is that?

We also offer re-seller pricing for regular purchasers - with discount levels depending on total spend. If you'd like to discuss becoming a re-seller please contact us.

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