Safety Signs News

Spain's no smoking signs slow off the mark

5th January 2011 | No Smoking Signs

Posted by Ben Alexander.

Some establishments in Spain have not yet installed no smoking signs to alert people to the fact that smoking is now banned in the country in most public places.

The ban, covering all public buildings, bars, restaurants, cafes, and outside schools, hospitals and in children's play areas, came into effect last Saturday (January 2nd), the Telegraph reports.

But some establishments are refusing to adhere to the law, and some places haven't yet got round to putting up signage.

"The signs haven't yet been put in place where they should and it is causing confusion," a spokesman for FACUA, a Spanish consumer organisation, told the newspaper.

This is proving a particular problem outside hospitals and transport centres where people are unsure if they are allowed to smoke.

"People are aware they can't light up indoors but if a railway platform is open to the sky it becomes unclear," the spokesman told the newspaper.

However, despite a few instances of uncooperative behaviour, things are generally running smoothly, the authorities say.

"Things are running as expected," Leire Pajin, the minister of health, told the Telegraph.

Many bar owners were against the smoking ban, voicing concerns it would significantly affect their sales.ADNFCR-2754-ID-800323394-ADNFCR


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