Sign Text: Please do not move the equipment. It has been positioned like this to preserve social distancing.
Product Type: Prohibition Safety Signs
Dimensions: 400x300mm
Material: Floor Vinyl
Orientation: Landscape
Text Colour: White
More... Background Colour: Red
Symbol Type: No Pushing
Recommended Fixings: Comes with Self Adhesive
Height: 300mm (12")
Width: 400mm (16")
Thickness / Depth: 220microns
Durability: Temporary
Mounting Surface: Floor
Materials: Sticker
Material Colour: White
Symbol: P017 : No pushing
Unit Dimension: 400x300mm
This product is a prohibition safety sign. This type of sign tells you something you must not do.
Width: 400mm, Height: 300mm. Close to A3 in size.
High tack vinyl laminated with a clear tough , non-slip film suitable for high traffic areas. Ideal for warehouses, hospitals, schools and temporary use in retail.
This sign is wider than it is tall.
This sign has white (or material colour) text.
The background colour of this sign red.
This sign contains a no pushing symbol. It shows a firgure purshing an object, crossed through by a prohibition circle. Comes with a self adhesive backing. 300mm or approximately 12" high.
400mm or approximately 16" wide.
This product is meant for temporary use - several weeks or months.
Suitable for mounting on a flat surface. Suitable for mounting on a smooth surface Suitable for mounting on a powder coated surface.
Suitable for mounting on a painted surface. Suitable for mounting on a metallic surface.
This product is suitable for mounting or free standing on the floor.
P017 Prohibition: No pushing
Width: 400mm, Height: 300mm. Close to A3 landscape in size.