This product is a safe condition sign. These signs are used to mark the presence of safe exit routes or locations of safety equipment.
Width: 450mm, Height: 150mm.
This is a brushed brass/gold effect 1mm semi-rigid pvc sign.
This sign is wider than it is tall.
This sign has white (or material colour) text.
The background colour of this sign is green.
This sign contains a drinking water symbol - tap with water flowing into cup in white on green background.
Suitable for fixing with screws. Suitable for hanging with a premium hanging kit.
Comes with a self adhesive backing. Suitable for hanging with a budget hanging kit. 150mm or approximately 6" high. 450mm or approximately 18" wide. Thickness = 1.6mm
This product can be expected to show no visible signs of fading for 3-5 years under normal conditions. Suitable for mounting on a door. Suitable for mounting on a wall Suitable for mounting on a flat surface. Suitable for hanging installation.
Suitable for mounting on a metallic surface. Suitable for mounting on a painted surface. Suitable for mounting on a post. Suitable for perpendicular installation Suitable for mounting on a rough surface
Suitable for mounting on a smooth surface Suitable for fixing to a suspended ceiling. Suitable for mounting on an uneven surface Suitable for mounting on a powder coated surface.
ISO 7010-E015 Safe condition: Drinking water
Function: To indicate the location of drinking water.
Image content: Tap above glass, two wavy lines.
Width: 150mm, Height: 50mm.
Width: 150mm, Height: 200mm. Close to A5 portrait in size.
Width: 150mm, Height: 100mm. Close to A6 landscape in size.
Width: 100mm, Height: 150mm. Close to A6 portrait in size.
Width: 75mm, Height: 100mm. Close to A7 portrait in size.
Width: 100mm, Height: 75mm. Close to A7 landscape in size.
Width: 450mm, Height: 150mm.
Width: 450mm, Height: 150mm.
Width: 50mm, Height: 75mm.
Width: 75mm, Height: 50mm. Close to A8 landscape in size.
Width: 200mm, Height: 150mm. Close to A5 landscape in size.
Width: 200mm, Height: 300mm. Close to A4 portrait in size.
Width: 300mm, Height: 100mm.
Width: 300mm, Height: 200mm. Close to A4 landscape in size.
Width: 300mm, Height: 400mm. Close to A3 portrait in size.
Width: 400mm, Height: 300mm. Close to A3 landscape in size.
Width: 400mm, Height: 600mm. Close to A2 portrait in size.
Width: 600mm, Height: 200mm.
Width: 600mm, Height: 400mm. Close to A2 landscape in size.
Width: 600mm, Height: 800mm. Close to A1 portrait in size.
Width: 800mm, Height: 600mm. Close to A1 landscape in size.