This product is a Health and Safety Sign. Health and Safety Signs use standard colours and symbols to convey a safety warning or message.
This product is a mandatory safety sign. These signs tell you something you MUST DO.
Width: 300mm, Height: 100mm.
This is a self adhesive vinyl sign or sticker. Our standard vinyl comes with an advanced 'air-release' system which means any air bubbles can easily be pushed out by gently smoothing the face of the sticker from the centre to the outside edges. This thin vinyl film is NOT suitable for application to rough or uneven surfaces like a wooden fence, for this look at our 1mm or 3mm PVC products. If you want a stickier sticker, for 'difficult' surfaces like a plastic wheelie bin or powder coating you could consider our High Tack vinyl products.
This sign is wider than it is tall.
This sign has white (or material colour) text.
The background colour of this sign is blue.
This sign contains an ear protection required symbol - person wearing ear defenders in white within blue circle.
Comes with a self adhesive backing.
100mm or approximately 4" high. 300mm or approximately 12" wide.
Thickness = 64 microns (0.064mm)
Exterior signs are suitable for use in exterior applications. Interior signs are suitable for use in interior applications.
Suitable for mounting on a wall Suitable for mounting on a flat surface. Suitable for mounting on a smooth surface
Text using Helvetica font is bold, clear and easy to read.
PPE / Personal Protective Equipment Signs are used to indicate when and which types of PPE should be used.
Machinery Sign are used to show issues, actions or risks from machines or moving parts. This sign is small. Signs in this range are from our maximum choice range. Giving you the most choice of signs available in the UK. Signs in this range are from our standard range. We currently have more than 100 of this item in stock ready to be dispatched.
This signs help you comply with the Control of Noise at Work 2005 regulations. Where applicable the noise levels indicated in dB(A) comply with this standard. This sign is designed to comply with ISO / EN 7010, the latest safety sign design standard. ISO 7010 has been adopted across Europe, and in the UK superceeds BS5499 the former design standard for health and safety signage.
ISO 7010-M003 Mandatory: Wear ear protection
Function: To signify that ear protection must be worn.
Image content: Human head (front view) wearing ear protection.
Width: 300mm, Height: 100mm.