Safety Signs News
Office safety tips
7th August 2014 | Office Signs, Health and Safety Signs
When you think of a dangerous workplace, usually the one that springs to mind will be a factory floor or a construction site; somewhere full of dangerous machinery and materials. However, everywhere has its risks. It doesn't matter if you are employed in an office and spend your day at a desk - without the right safety precautions, you could still be at risk.
The issue is not necessarily that the actual environment is dangerous. An office doesn't usually contain anything that would cause injury unless it was broken or used incorrectly. Instead, much of the risk comes from people's behaviour, which is largely down to the fact that nobody expects to have an accident in an office.
Take stairs, for example. Many people work in large, multi-storey buildings and have several flights to climb before they can sit down at their desk. This is such a simple task that it is rarely thought about. People can regularly be seen going up and down stairs while using their mobile phone, rolling a cigarette or otherwise not focusing on what they are doing.
The problem is that this is a common way to trip and fall. If your mind is occupied by something else, it is really easy to miss a step or otherwise overbalance, sending you tumbling downstairs.
In order to prevent dangers like these from injuring employees, your workers must be aware that dangers exist in the first place. There is certainly no harm in reminding people to hold onto a handrail. Similarly, you should make sure bags are kept safely under desks and other tripping hazards removed.
Reminding employees of these dangers is not easy without coming across as patronising. However, a few well-placed signs can help. Warning signs come in eye-catching colours designed to make people think about what they are doing, which is much more effective than simply telling people something they think they already know.
The first step towards keeping any workplace safe is to make sure everyone is aware of potential dangers. Safety signage is one easy and effective way to do this.
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